Last Will and Testament in Thailand

Last Will and Testament in Thailand

Last Will and Testament in Thailand. While it may not be the most pleasant topic, creating a Last Will and Testament (LWT) in Thailand is a crucial step for anyone residing in the country or owning assets there. A well-drafted LWT ensures your wishes are known regarding the distribution of your estate after your passing, […]

Escrow Accounts in Thailand

Escrow Accounts in Thailand

Escrow Accounts in Thailand. Thailand’s property market continues to attract both domestic and foreign investors. While exciting, real estate transactions can involve significant financial risk. Escrow accounts offer a valuable tool to mitigate this risk and ensure a secure exchange of funds. What is an Escrow Account? An escrow account is a neutral third-party account […]

Grounds for Divorce in Thailand

Grounds for Divorce in Thailand

Grounds for Divorce in Thailand. Divorce laws in Thailand differ from some Western countries. Understanding the grounds for divorce in Thailand is crucial if you’re considering dissolving your marriage there. This article explores the legal justifications for divorce in the Land of Smiles. Thailand’s Civil and Commercial Code Thailand’s legal framework for divorce is outlined […]

Property Taxes in Thailand

Property Taxes in Thailand

Property Taxes in Thailand. Owning property in Thailand can be a great investment, but understanding the associated taxes is crucial for responsible ownership. Unlike some countries, Thailand doesn’t have a general annual property tax. However, there are tax implications depending on how you utilize your property. Understanding the Housing and Land Tax Thailand’s property tax […]

Property Market in Thailand

Property Market in Thailand

Property Market in Thailand. In 2024, the real estate market in Thailand paints an intriguing picture. Though general growth is fueled by the economic recovery, price rises are not as great as they were in previous years. Investors looking for a safe long-term investment may find this steadiness intriguing. The Moving Market The real estate […]

Breach of Contract in Thailand

Thailand’s economy thrives on contracts, agreements that bind parties to fulfill specific obligations. However, unforeseen circumstances or deliberate actions can lead to a breach of contract, jeopardizing the deal and causing losses. This guide explores breach of contract in Thailand, outlining its definition, legal framework, remedies available, and steps to take if you face a […]

Personal Injury Claims in Thailand

Accidents happen, and unfortunately, they can sometimes lead to serious injuries. If you’ve been injured in Thailand, understanding your rights and the legal process for claiming compensation is crucial. This guide explores personal injury claims in Thailand, covering key concepts, legal aspects, and the path to seeking compensation. Understanding Personal Injury Claims: A personal injury […]

Medical Malpractice in Thailand

Thailand boasts a modern healthcare system with skilled professionals. However, as in any medical environment, there’s a chance of things going wrong. If you suspect medical malpractice in Thailand, understanding the legal landscape is crucial. This guide explores the concept of medical malpractice, the legal framework, and the Thailand dispute resolution process in Thailand. Defining […]

Dispute Resolution in Thailand

Thailand’s legal system offers a blend of traditional and modern approaches to dispute resolution. While litigation in courts exists, Thailand heavily emphasizes Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) methods for achieving settlements. This reflects the cultural preference for maintaining harmony and fostering solutions agreeable to all parties. Understanding the Options: There are three main avenues for Thailand […]

Trade Disputes in Thailand

Trade disputes can have significant economic and diplomatic implications. Negotiation is a good option for most trade disputes, but other dispute resolution proceedings also exist. Thailand has established trade remedy laws that can be used to resolve trade disputes with trading partners. However, these proceedings can be lengthy and costly. Arbitration As a member of […]